About Me


I am an innovator, a writer and a techie!

I am interested in understanding human behavior and attitudes in the social sphere,  I use social computational methods with a background in linguistics to do so. I completed my Ph.D. in informatics at the Illinois Informatics Institute and the iSchool at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I completed my master's in management information systems at the same university. Before that, I finished my master of engineering degree in computer science with distinction from Cornell University



Atlantic Council | April 2022 - Present

In cooperation with Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business with support from US Embassy Riyadh, UPS, and PepsiCo.

 Work Experience

Ministry of Energy | Nov 2022 - Present


 -Building the Emerging Technology repository department.

- Building initiatives for supporting startups in AI for the energy sector.

- Build initiatives to empower the utilization of AI an emerging technology for the energy ecosystem.

Oracle | September 2020 - August 2021


-Responsible for understanding customers' challenges that can be solved through analytics and AI.

-Building POCs for the customer to convey the power of Oracle technologies.

-Managing technical team for delivery.

-Setting up the scope of the work and the implementation

-AI and data science ambassador by delivering workshops, talks and judge in competitions.

-Member of the local innovation team, responsible for identifying emerging technologies use cases.

Oracle | September 2020 - August 2021


-Explore the best-fit Oracle solution for the customer

-Respond to RFPs

-AI and data science ambassador by delivering workshops, talks, and judging in competitions.

-Member of the local innovation team, responsible for identifying emerging technologies use cases.

-Setting up the scope of the work and the implementation

Monshaat | May 2020 - April 2021


-Help answer technical challenges for startups.

-Build the scope of technical startups.

-Create data-driven business,

Bayan Group | Feb 2019 - Present

Data science and Artificial intelligent organization. for more info: www.bayandata.sa

Information System department, Imam Mohammad bin Saud University | August 2019- Dec 2022


-Teaching : Electronic commerce (Spring 2011) Information Strategic Planning & Resources Management (Spring 2011)

- Supervising graduation projects 

- Advising students activities

Information Science Institute, University of Southern California | July 2018- September 2018

Worked on Twitter troll detection through deception linguistic markers.

Advised by: Emilio Ferrara and Kristina Lerman

Information System department, Imam Mohammad bin Saud University |   2010 - 2019


-Teaching : Electronic commerce, Information Strategic Planning & Resources Management

- Academic Advising, Advising for technical student club 




Mentoring and Academic Advising


Extracurricular Activities 


Courses (taken in Ph.D.)