
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

  • Alasmari, A., Addawood, A., Nouh, M., Rayes, W., & Al-Wabil, A. (2021). A Retrospective Analysis of the COVID-19 Infodemic in Saudi Arabia. Future Internet, 13(10), 254. Here

  • Al-Safadi L, Addawood A, Abdulateef N. (2010). Lexeme: an ontology-based semantic advertising networks. Journal of Computing, 2(9), 71-75. Here.

Peer Reviewed Conferences


  1. Addawood, A. Coronavirus: Public Arabic Twitter Dataset. Preprints 2020, 2020040263 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202004.0263.v1).

  2. Addawood, A., Alsuwailem, A., Alohali, A., Alajaji, D., Alsuhaibani, J., Aljabli, F., & Alturki, M. (2020). Tracking And Understanding Public Reaction During COVID-19: Saudi Arabia As A Use Case.


  1. Addawood, A. (2019). Understanding misinformation on Twitter in the context of controversial issues (Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).

  2. El-Kishky, A., Fu, X., Addawood, A., Sobh, N., Voss, C., & Han, J. (2019, August). Constrained Sequence-to-sequence Semitic Root Extraction for Enriching Word Embeddings. In Proceedings of the Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (pp. 88-96).

  3. Badawy, A., Addawood, A., Lerman, K., & Ferrara, E. (2019). Characterizing the 2016 Russian IRA influence campaign. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9(1), 31.

  4. Badawy, A., Addawood, A., Lerman, K., & Ferrara, E. (2019). Characterizing the 2016 Russian IRA influence campaign. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9(1), 31.

  5. Alshehri, A., Isaacs, W., Addawood, A., Trotz, M., & Chellappan, S. (2019, January). Predicting community engagement on twitter on environmental health hazards. In 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) (pp. 450-455). IEEE.

  6. Addawood, A, Understanding misinformation on Twitter in the context of controversial issues.

  7. Addawood, A, Badawy, A, Lerman,K. Ferrara,E . Linguistic Cues to Deception: Identifying Political Trolls on Social Media. In the Proceedings of the 11th International ACM Web Science Conference (ICWSM 2019).

  8. Addawood, A., Balakumar, P., & Diesner, J. (2019, March). Categorization and Comparison of Influential Twitter Users and Sources Referenced in Tweets for Two Health-Related Topics. In International Conference on Information (pp. 639-646). Springer, Cham.

  9. Alshehri, A., Addawood, A. (2019, February). Understanding Ordinary and Disruptive Events Discussion in Twitter: Barbados Environmental Health Hazard as a Use Case. In International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (pp. 319-325). Springer, Cham.


  1. Addawood, A. (2018). Usage of Scientific References in MMR Vaccination Debates on Twitter. In the 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2018). Barcelona, Spain. Link

  2. Addawood, A., Alshamrani, A., Alqahtani, A., Diesner, J. & Broniatowski, D. (2018). Women's Driving in Saudi Arabia – Analyzing the Discussion of a Controversial Topic on Twitter. In International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS 2018). Washington, DC. Link


  1. Addawood A, Rezapour R, Abdar O, Diesner J. (2017). Telling apart tweets associated with controversial versus noncontroversial topics. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science, ACL. Link

  2. Addawood A, Schneider J, Bashir M. (2017). Stance Classification of Twitter Debates: The Encryption Debate as A Use Case. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety17). Toronto, Canada, July 28-30. (Acceptance Rate = 37% ). Link

  3. Addawood A, Zou Y, Bashir M. (2017). Users’ attitudes towards the going dark debate. In the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017). Los Angeles, CA, July 17-21. Link

  4. Addawood A. (2017). Classification and Analysis of Sources Referenced in Tweets on Controversial and Noncontroversial Topics. Social Media Analytics Summit. UIUC, Champaign, IL.


  1. Addawood A, Bashir M. (2016). What is Your Evidence? A Study of Controversial Topics on Social Media. In the Proceedings of the third workshop on argumentation mining. ACL. Link

  2. Addawood A, Al-Safadi L. (2011). Semi-Automated Semantic Annotation for Semantic Advertising Networks. In the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management (IMMM 2011). Here.

  3. Addawood A et. al. (2010). Lexeme: a Semantic Advertising Network. Submitted for the Second Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research on Applied Computing (URC2010) - Zayed University - Dubai, UAE.


  • Badawy, A., Addawood, A., Lerman, K., & Ferrara, E. (2018). Characterizing the 2016 Russian IRA Influence Campaign. arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.01997. Link

Extended Abstract

  • Addawood A, Rezapour R, Mishra Sh, Schneider J, Diesner J. (2017). Developing an information source lexicon, Workshop on Prioritising Online Content @ NIPS 2017. Long Beach, CA.

Peer reviewed posters

  • Addawood A, Rezapour R, Abdar O, Diesner J. (2017). Telling apart tweets associated with controversial versus non-controversial topics. In 12th Women in Machine Learning Workshop (WiML 2017) co-located with NIPS, Long Beach, CA.

  • Addawood A, (2017). Argumentation Mining in Twitter: A Study of Controversial Topics. In Proceedings of the Workshop for Women in Natural Language Processing (WiNLP). ACL. Here

Posters (not peer reviewed)

  • Addawood A, Schneider J, Bashir M. (2017). Stance Classification of Twitter Debates: The Encryption Debate as A Use Case. In iSchool@Illinois, Research Showcase, Champaign, IL.

  • Addawood A, Rezapour R, Abdar O, Diesner J. (2017). Telling apart tweets associated with controversial versus noncontroversial topics. In Data Science Day, UIUC, Champaign, IL.

  • Addawood A, Bashir M (2016 ). Is This Controversial? Examining Factors Affecting User Opinions. in iSchool@Illinois, Research Showcase, Champaign, IL.

  • Addawood A, Bashir M. (2016). What is Your Evidence? A Study of Controversial Topics on Social Media. in iSchool@Illinois, Research Showcase, Champaign, IL.

  • Addawood A. (May 2010). Lexeme: A Semantic Advertising Network. In the 2nd Meeting of the Minds Conference (MOM 2010) - King Saud University – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  • Addawood A. (Jan 2009). Popfly: The Beginning Of Democratizing Software Development. In Web Technologies and Trends Mini-Conference, King Saud University – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Best Poster award).