Talks, Panels and Workshops
Invited talks and Panels
Participated at KAUST AI for Energy with the title "Local AI Talent Development ". Link
Participated at iktva Conference with the title "Human Capital Development in AI and Emerging Technologies". Link
Participated in WiDS Fireside Chat. Link
Participated in the Leadership Content Program by Monshaat. Link (YouTube Link)
Participated in an event titled "the role of emerging technologies in improving quality and raising operational efficiency in the maritime transport sector". Link
Participated in Shariah Podcast. Link
Invited to a talk on "Innovation and emerging technologies". Link
Invited to talk "Winning with Data Virtual Boardroom". Oracle. Link
Invited to be part of a panel titled " From qualification to empowerment". Link
Invited to give a talk in WiDS Abha titled "Bayan Academy success stories". Link
Presented a "Data Science and Artificial Intelligent and their Integration" seminar with Tabuk University. (Oct 24).
Participate in #PyDataGlobal2021 by @PyData and give a talk about the challenges of Arabic natural language processing. (Oct 2021)
“#COVID-19 'Misinformation: Saudi Arabia as a Use Case”, European Chapter (EC) ASIS&T, online " (June 2020 )
Panel discussion “ AI for all”, Zat artificial intelligence. Online (100 attendees + 130 views) (July 2020)
Presented a Lightning Talk, "Online Data Ethics" at the 6th International Conference of Arab Women in Computing (ArabWIC) held in Morocco. (2019)
Invited to present a talk the Women in Data Science Day (WiDS Riyadh @ KACST), the title of the presentation was "The Emergence of Social Bots in Social Media". (2019)
Panel Discussion: The role of women in the field of data science; Inspiring success stories, and challenges that shape the future. Think Teck, MCIT. 2020
Talk: Introduction to Arabic natural language processing. Google Digital Days. 2020
Talk: Cloud and Emerging Technologies in Innovation. Saudi Airline Hackathon. 2021
Panel Discussion: Women Empowerment: Developing the Mindset of an Entrepreneur. Arabnet Conference. Riyadh. 2019
Panel Discussion: Workshop on technical inclusion in national dialogues. W20 part of G20. 2020
Talk: How Artificial intelligence will uncloak the future. Saudi IoT Conference. 2020
Talk: Classification and Analysis of Sources Referenced in Tweets on Controversial and Noncontroversial Topics. Social Media Analytics Summit. UIUC, Champaign, IL. 2017
Participated in a workshop for preparing the strategic plan for the Center for Artificial Intelligence in the Service of the Arabic Language for King Salman Center.
"Advance data science: Natural language Processing", Bayan's first data science summer school (2019).
"Introduction to Data Science", KACST, Riyadh. (2019).
"Introduction to sentiment analysis", King Saud University, Riyadh. (2019)
"Data Science 101: Text Mining in Social Media", at the 6th International Conference of Arab Women in Computing (ArabWIC) held in Morocco. (2019).
“Introduction to Arabic natural language processing”, MENDADD Google, online. (1800+ views) " (June 2020 )
"Participated in the digital inclusion workshop part of the W20. part of G20. " (February 2020 )
"Advance data science: Natural language Processing", Bayan's first data science summer school (2019).
"Introduction to Data Science", KACST, Riyadh. (2019). (100 ppl attended)
"Introduction to sentiment analysis", King Saud University, Riyadh. (2019) (70 ppl attended)
"Data Science 101: Text Mining in Social Media", at the 6th International Conference of Arab Women in Computing (ArabWIC) held in Morocco. (2019) - (30 ppl attended)
More workshops can be found here